For Immediate Release (07/15/09)
Architecture for Radiology is pleased to announce that it has established a new equipment planning firm to serve its existing hospital, healthcare and laboratory clients. The firm has a history of over ten years of equipment planning expertise.
The new company --- Equipment Planning, Inc. --- is dedicated to providing quality equipment planning services to a wide range of facilities around the country. We serve a variety of clients, from large to small, public to private, medical to non-medical. The company prides itself on its ability to combine the best business and design practices available today and on its talented and diverse staff. Having had years of experience in equipment planning and project management, we can guide your facility through the process of re-evaluation and re-installation of equipment, making the job easier and the outcome better.
Catering to Your Needs
Equipment Planning, Inc. is prepared to cover any and all of your equipment planning needs. Our services include, but are not limited to, equipment and facility assessment, budgeting, schematic design, drafting of construction documents, assistance procuring and installing equipment, and planning for improved workflow. We can work with you from beginning to end of a project, or we can help just where you need it most; we can manage and oversee the entire equipment planning process, or we can work as consultants to facilitate it.
A Unique Perspective
As a firm dedicated to seeing the big picture, Equipment Planning, Inc. does not just seek to satisfy its customers: we seek to exceed their expectations. Our knowledge and expertise stretch far beyond equipment planning, so we can help you both meet the necessary expectations and improve your facilities in the process. Better spaces can mean better workflow, so we will do everything we can to acquire and install better equipment as well as design and retool the spaces to meet your ever-changing needs.
Practice Makes Perfect
Without experience, we wouldn’t be able to provide you with the comprehensive services that are available today. Our experience allows us to provide you with some of the most knowledgeable and resourceful techniques available today.
Cost Savings
Equipment Planning, Inc. also seeks to minimize costs and save you money. We benefit from having happy clients, so one of our most important goals is not only to help you acquire the best equipment at the cheapest prices, but to keep your operational costs to a minimum. Our experience with project management and design for improved workflow qualify us to recommend cutting-edge technologies and design options that will save you money in the long-term.
An Objective Approach
Unlike many equipment planning services, Equipment Planning, Inc. seeks only to benefit our clients: Equipment Planning, Inc. team members do not have ties to equipment manufacturers, vendors, or contractors. We do not accept gifts, not even lunch, from these suppliers, which allows us to provide absolute objectivity when selecting equipment and installation services. Our only goal is to make each project as simple and inexpensive as possible for the client.
The president of the company, William N. Bernstein, LEED®AP, AIA, is a well known radiology architect. He was educated at the Yale University School of Architecture, where he received a Master of Architecture. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects, American College of Healthcare Architects, Construction Specification Institute and Project Management Institute. He is one of the few architects in the United States to receive the American Hospital Association Construction Management Certificate. He has written many articles on hospital and healthcare design and construction, and his healthcare and lab projects have won numerous awards and been published widely.
For further information about healthcare equipment planning services or laboratory equipment services for your company or institution, please contact:
William N. Bernstein, LEED®AP, AIA –
Equipment Planning, Inc.
Radiology Recall INICET May 2023
1 year ago
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